12 Kasım 2016 Cumartesi

Significancy of Loyalty

Loyalty is a virtue that expres countness someone against another person , a partnership or anything. At the same time loyalty is a person ownself setting place for other person and preserving that place forhim/her. Meanly, it is art of a person being honest to themselves and others.A person sould carry with honour it because loyalty is the most important fact expressing character of the person.

İnci Aral says it in her book Loyalty that person decides to be loyalty. If he/she values person who he/she is living together and is afraid to upset her/him, at that case person tries to be faithful consciously.

You know certainly being dogs the loyalest living creatures. There is too little person reaching level of dog. There are incredible examples of the loyalty dogs have shown to their human and animal friends. Hachiko, the Akita who greeted his owner at the train station every day when he returned home from work, and after the owner suddenly died, returned to the train station at the same time every day for nine years (There's a beautiful movie that i watched Hachi: A Dog's Tale starring Richard Gere about this dog.)

Acording it goes in Here Is Wife From The City Of Bath's Tale, loyalty is significiant in a relationship.The knight who was forced to marry an old witch cried and said "Oh my God, no! I know i promised that I'd do anything you asked you asked , but for the love of God , please don't ask me to marry you. Take eveything I owni but don't ask me this!" The reason of his sayings is witch's ugliness and oldness. Despite all his complaining, though, he knew he had no choice but to marry the old man and knight involuntary chose to marry with her.

Well anyway  no longer old woman who didn't endure made an offer her husband. She said "between one of things. I can be old and disgusting until the day i die nut be humble and faithful to you and never upset you , or you can have me be young and beautiful and take the risk that i will cheat on you with the many men who will try to seduce me. Now, make your decision, whichever you prefer."
After knight saw that faithful is more worthwhile than anything and he chose first section. Since he remained faithful to his wife despite that she has bad appearance, his wife rewarded the knight being both faithful and beautiful young girl.

After all, loyalty is one value  that every individual should possess. When we are loyal to something or someone, our world will be a better place to live.

5 Kasım 2016 Cumartesi


                      The Man Who Raised Medieval England

Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the most important English writer of the 14. century. He was also known as a philosopher and astronomer other than a writer. He has many works. Even, The Canterbury Tales is his best known work. At the same time these stories are the works of the English language first written.

These stories are the most successful and famous Geoffrey Chaucer's work of art.When the author wrote these stories, he was impressed by Decameron Tales that he read  while his journey to Italy.

A team of the pilgrim journey made the subject of stereotypes, from the first story. Modernism is quite close to that are included with the criticism. whereas he raises the image of an Oxford student, he satirises Ferre's people .In this respect Chaucer made clearly discrimination of good-bad.

Also the book was written with Middle Age English Language and only two pieces of tales written in verse are prose.

"The Knight's Tale" is the first story from Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales.
The story introduces various typical aspects of knighthood such as courtly love  and ethical dilemmas. The story is written iniambic pentemeter end-rhymed couplets.

Written by Chaucer the Knight's Tale is not a story of children.It presents a awful vision of the world. "The Knight's Tale" has shocked readers from Chaucer's time to ours.

The knight implements "truth, honor, generousness, and courtesy". He has a successful fighter. He is wise, modest, and polite to everyone. By chance or design, he draws the lot to tell the first story, and does so well-meaningly. Later in the book, he emerges as the voice of reason, common goodness, and common sense, and is accepted by the rest of the pilgrims as their moral authority.

Once for all, Indicating that is not reserved only for the residents of the Place, and also proving by written with english despite official language being french and latin language of the period, telling about the people of medieval Britain are short tales.