10 Aralık 2016 Cumartesi


William Shakespeare who is considered of the greatest dramatist national poet  in England is one of the names having won a seat in the history of World since at the end of 16 century.

Shakespeare who borned in 1564  dead in 1616. They were 7 siblings. He was thirdborn.
His siblings names were Joan,Margaret,Gilbert,Joan II,Richard and Edmund.  And her wife name was Anne. They had three children. Their name was Susanna,Hamnet,Judith.

William Shakespeare did not seem destined for greatness. He was not born into a family of nobility or significant wealth. He did not continue his formal education at university, nor did he come under the mentorship of a senior artist, nor did he marry into wealth or prestige. His talent as an actor seems to have been modest, since he is not known for starring roles. His success as a playwright depended in part upon royal patronage. Yet in spite of these limitations, Shakespeare is now the most performed and read playwright in the world.

After he started with poem his art life, he fronted the theatre. He had artwork kind of tragedy, comedy, and drama. He wrote 188 artwork during his life. They are 154 sonnet, 17 comedy, 7 history and 10 tragedy. He mentioned International emotions at the Works with immortal character who created.He made a great success impersoninig people’s from every class emotions.

His poems of Sone typre carry lyrical features.
William Shakespeare, considered to be the best drama writer and poet in history of literatüre had so wide mental lexicon. He used 29.066 different words and created himself 1700 words. Most of these words have passed through daily use. For example acommodation (konaklama) aerial (havai), apostrophe (kesme işareti

), assassination (suikast), bloody(kanlı) and countless (sayısız). Moreover, all that glitters isn't gold (her parıldayan şey altın değildir), break the ice (havayı yumuşatmak),  naked truth (çıplak gerçek ).

When William Shakespeare was examined from a medical point of view, Shakespeare found himself to be a much better human observer of his period than his period, as well as in his medical history. Shakespeare's plays are a real life of his own life, reflecting the politics, religion, philosophy, values and knowledge of that period. The period in which her plays were exhibited is the Queen Elizabethan period, which is considered to be the golden age of England. However, standard medical practices in the UK, which were in the golden age, were quite lagging behind compared with France, Italy and Spain in the same period.

At final, Shakespeare was so significant artist at his living period and he provided important contributions literature primarily England also all of world.

12 Kasım 2016 Cumartesi

Significancy of Loyalty

Loyalty is a virtue that expres countness someone against another person , a partnership or anything. At the same time loyalty is a person ownself setting place for other person and preserving that place forhim/her. Meanly, it is art of a person being honest to themselves and others.A person sould carry with honour it because loyalty is the most important fact expressing character of the person.

İnci Aral says it in her book Loyalty that person decides to be loyalty. If he/she values person who he/she is living together and is afraid to upset her/him, at that case person tries to be faithful consciously.

You know certainly being dogs the loyalest living creatures. There is too little person reaching level of dog. There are incredible examples of the loyalty dogs have shown to their human and animal friends. Hachiko, the Akita who greeted his owner at the train station every day when he returned home from work, and after the owner suddenly died, returned to the train station at the same time every day for nine years (There's a beautiful movie that i watched Hachi: A Dog's Tale starring Richard Gere about this dog.)

Acording it goes in Here Is Wife From The City Of Bath's Tale, loyalty is significiant in a relationship.The knight who was forced to marry an old witch cried and said "Oh my God, no! I know i promised that I'd do anything you asked you asked , but for the love of God , please don't ask me to marry you. Take eveything I owni but don't ask me this!" The reason of his sayings is witch's ugliness and oldness. Despite all his complaining, though, he knew he had no choice but to marry the old man and knight involuntary chose to marry with her.

Well anyway  no longer old woman who didn't endure made an offer her husband. She said "between one of things. I can be old and disgusting until the day i die nut be humble and faithful to you and never upset you , or you can have me be young and beautiful and take the risk that i will cheat on you with the many men who will try to seduce me. Now, make your decision, whichever you prefer."
After knight saw that faithful is more worthwhile than anything and he chose first section. Since he remained faithful to his wife despite that she has bad appearance, his wife rewarded the knight being both faithful and beautiful young girl.

After all, loyalty is one value  that every individual should possess. When we are loyal to something or someone, our world will be a better place to live.

5 Kasım 2016 Cumartesi


                      The Man Who Raised Medieval England

Geoffrey Chaucer is one of the most important English writer of the 14. century. He was also known as a philosopher and astronomer other than a writer. He has many works. Even, The Canterbury Tales is his best known work. At the same time these stories are the works of the English language first written.

These stories are the most successful and famous Geoffrey Chaucer's work of art.When the author wrote these stories, he was impressed by Decameron Tales that he read  while his journey to Italy.

A team of the pilgrim journey made the subject of stereotypes, from the first story. Modernism is quite close to that are included with the criticism. whereas he raises the image of an Oxford student, he satirises Ferre's people .In this respect Chaucer made clearly discrimination of good-bad.

Also the book was written with Middle Age English Language and only two pieces of tales written in verse are prose.

"The Knight's Tale" is the first story from Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales.
The story introduces various typical aspects of knighthood such as courtly love  and ethical dilemmas. The story is written iniambic pentemeter end-rhymed couplets.

Written by Chaucer the Knight's Tale is not a story of children.It presents a awful vision of the world. "The Knight's Tale" has shocked readers from Chaucer's time to ours.

The knight implements "truth, honor, generousness, and courtesy". He has a successful fighter. He is wise, modest, and polite to everyone. By chance or design, he draws the lot to tell the first story, and does so well-meaningly. Later in the book, he emerges as the voice of reason, common goodness, and common sense, and is accepted by the rest of the pilgrims as their moral authority.

Once for all, Indicating that is not reserved only for the residents of the Place, and also proving by written with english despite official language being french and latin language of the period, telling about the people of medieval Britain are short tales.

22 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi

Evolution of English Language

English world

For human learned language so as to communicate with somebody a wealth of language related to various ethnic origins has emerged.

English language, spoken by some Germanic tribes who invaded England 1,500 years ago, had passedthe process of change and enliightmented. passed the process of Now it is recognized as global language today.

Old Britain Map

Trail of english is based on about 5 thousand years ago.Before BC 2000, this clan started to begin. A group went to Indian, others groups went to Asia, Italy, North and South Europa.As a result of geographic division, spoken language structures also were divided.

Language historians have separated three basic terms as Old English,Middle English,Modern English history of English.
Not only were Britain soils invaded by Germanic tribes but also their language was invaded. The invaders also brought with them their alphabet. In that period, runic alphabet that didn't use aim of writing was used. However, since this alphabet didn't use with aim of writing, records of myth and story  weren't kept. Despite this, oral  tradition was so strong at english language. At that period epic poems were extreme popular. Beowulf is the most famous epic poem as oral custom transferred to the present day.
beowulf myth ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Due to this situation  information about old english , written works that were written by using latin alphabet at the end of the Anglo-Saxon period.

When we came to the middle ages, English Language was mix of at least five language. This language was formal language of Britania. Language changed more understandable a common language since communication of people from different classes. The most significant alteration among two period occured both words and grammer . Although in the field of word  there was profound effect of french , ecclesiastics in cliche, thinkers of period had been proceeding to add to English from Latin like Anglo-Saxon ancestors.

English language using at the renaissance period and English using modern days  are similar many ways. A person living today can understand easily London English spoken  in the time of Sheakspeare except the difference pronunciation.

15 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi

We are children of the world that made mechanical.

People have resorted to different ways to make their life easier for years. Some fed his ego, others thought they did it for just the nature. However happening didn't improve their' request.

People born, bred, have us fight , cause to poverty and finally people wiped out in the nature.

My status already begins here. The nature made mechanical. WHY? so as to ease people's life. Even so they couldn't see how was what they did in a state. War broke out but person declaring did't die, he didn't fight ,his house wasn't demolished. We are the only ones who are dying, expose to poverty, become in the middle of life, shef tears and be destroyed.

For nothing, i was deprived of my peg top, cockhorse, marble etc. My eyes actually are an abstract being in the world of what's up. Now i am revealing loneliness among plenty of people and houses with my patchy trousers. You can see that my life experiences despite my age in secret smile. 

After all, smile on my face is to recover from sickness life. Because even though everything, i am a child.

This is a picture which the child of world made mechanical sees in the world ;

8 Ekim 2016 Cumartesi

    Literature and Fine Arts

Humans have felt the need to state themselves for existence. This necessity bred fine arts. For people learn writing , they have begun preserving their worthwhile statement and writing to new generation. While living in cave, human made the art of painting with the pictures which made on the wall launches and also humans indicated with voice their feelings, this situation revealed the art of music.

Literature is  a branch of fine arts. It is art which express by the way of statement and writing   thoughts and emotions.Humans have used many different ways in literature. For example poet expresses himself,perspective on life,aims, thoughts that he or she couldn't live  through rhymed verse. Some people also use prose. In the same way thoughts,emotions,ideas,purpose  are transferred.

Like i said Literature is based on primitive age and every state have used actively. It is also a tool to get information about ancestor. Besides i think that literature was found out by talented and unhappy people. Instead of sharing someone else own thoughts, they estranged oneself from social life and wrote. If they weren't exist, would literature exist ? If people didn't miss, suffer, cry and their dreams were reveal, even so would they write?

Consequently fine arts beautify and give a magic touch our lifes.